Julia was inspired to become a Certified Life and Marriage coach after witnessing the power of coaching. She felt compelled to give back and motivate others to set goals, seek out their soul purpose, and ask what’s next in their life. Julia’s passion is to empower couples to strengthen their mind, their communication, overcome obstacles, and seek clarity. Together, she helps them create a life plan for themselves as well as encouraging parents to guide their children to adulthood.
Julia is the author of 3 childrens books: “A Gelato Blast, The Cannolis Exploded! Now What?, and Pizza with A Purpose.” All three books seek to impart lessons that Juila and Gino have learned by experience throughout their lives. Julia and her family live in St Augustine, Florida where they enjoy the old city and the simple beach life.
Have you ever worked really hard to build something, only to see it get washed away in a giant wave of gelato? Okay, maybe not that exact scenario but you know what I mean. It can be really hard to put things back together again. You have to have a lot of faith in yourself, know how to be realistic about your options, and most importantly have the right kind of people in your life. Whew, that’s a lot of work. I think Pity Party Pig would agree.

Creative Caterpillar, Responsible Rhino And Pity Party Pig work in a bakery together. One day, a careless accident causes that bakery to explode, forcing the three characters to ask “what next?” Caterpillar, Rhino and Pig all make very different decisions and begin to lead wildly different lives.

Are you looking to grow your personal wealth? Are you wanting to find the best book for entrepreneurs out there? Look no further. The Honey Bee book is one of Jake and Gino’s most recommended business parables to add to your reading list The Honey Bee is packed full of advice that you can actually use in your journey to become an entrepreneur. Interested? Read more about the Honey Bee below.