In this lesson, Julia and Gino share their journey of teaching their children the often neglected skills of money, finance, and investing, which are omitted in today’s public schools. Jake & Gino created a Youth Academy to address the inequities of lack of financial education in the classrooms, and have included lessons for adults as well.
What is included in the Youth Academy? For starters, what can parents do right now to begin the journey, what life skills can they teach their children, what are some powerful habits to create around money, what is money and how to take control of it, and so many more vital topics.
The goal of the Academy is to present money and investing in an easy to understand format, where young adults have a framework to begin implementing the lessons in their daily lives to improve their financial situation. These lessons have been created by us, and they have led to our financial freedom and the ability to help others achieve the same level of success.
To become part of the Jake & Gino Youth Academy, click here to sign up →